Hey Will,
Saw your newsletter photo contest on closeups. I dont have instagram or twitter but just wanted to share some cool closeups. Maybe to help your less skilled and and poorer photo enthusiasts like myself that you dont always need deep pockets to nab some good shots (although winning the lottery would let me get some new pic taking toys). I took these pics using the standard kit lens (18-55mm) and my 55-200mm zoom lens.
Photo By John Shepard
The flower is on one of my wife's cactus's she bought from walmart years ago. I never knew it flowered until we had a full moon one night and this is what I walked out to early morning on the porch. I used the 18-55mm
Photo By John Shepard
The grasshopper (called the Lubber grasshopper) was chilling on my sun flowers one evening. I stood a bit of a distance back and used my 55-200mm and changed the focal settings until I nabbed these. I was lucky enough to have him chill for a bit.
Photo By John Shepard
The wolf spider I managed to capture at our apartment. I grabbed a wine glass and a piece of printer paper to trap it. I used my 18-55mm
Photo By John Shepard
Photo By John Shepard
the two turtles we netted out of our canal in the backyard in Punta Gorda The one is called a red ear (aptly named) the other I don't quite remember we just thought it looked funny. The one with the acorn hat makes it look like an angry clown. I used my 55-200mm
Anywho, not looking to enter the contest, just wanted to share some fun ones. Happy shooting!.....of cameras not people...well I guess shooting people with cameras is OK too.
Thanks for sharing all of these great shots with us John. I love the turtle with the acorn hat! LOL! Keep up the great work and we really look forward to seeing some more great shots from you in the future.