Photo Poetry Challenge


Recently I was challenged to write a poem about beauty in photography. This is way outside my comfort zone, but some times that is the motivation you need. I sat down for a few days and wrote the poem below. I actually enjoyed the task! It made me look at thing a little differently. It was a great exercise and I now pass it on to you!


1. Take one of your favorite original photos and write a short poem about it (any topic).  

2. Post your photo and poem #GILLETTEPOEM on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblur, or email it to

I will Repost and shout out your work across our social media and it will be highlighted in the January issue of the GO Newsletter! 




Time Travel. 

A twinkle in the eye of a moment meant to pass.

Time set aside on bookshelves, life frozen between polished glass.

First steps, words, laughs, and days.

Transferred through circuits, captured in whites and grays.

The thing that keeps heroes fighting, and will drive a man to drink.

Simple ink and paper, is more powerful than you think.

Time travel is real, it is shocking, happy, and sad.

Just wait till you find that old photograph you forgot you had.

So take some time now to snap a few.

Because one day it's how they will remember you.

Whether you think you look fat, dumb, or bad. 

Once you are gone, to your love ones they all look like dad.

Photographs are pretty, hang them on the wall.

But the ones of your family are the most beautiful of all.